Unloading a Disk Filter Driver in WinPE

At MMSMOA 2018 in my Hacking the Task Sequence 2018 that I presented with my good friend Andreas Hammarskjöld, one of the demonstrations that I did was to show how to unload a disk filter driver in WinPE without doing a reboot. The number one reason for wanting to do this is to provide a…

Configuration Manager OSD, Recovery Partitions and MBR2GPT

As I was preparing for my Midwest Management Summit 2017 session, Building the Ultimate Windows 10 UEFI Task Sequence, I did a full end-to-end run of the In-place Upgrade Task Sequence and started running into issues. This led me to discover a couple of issues around Configuration Manager (specifically the Format and Partition Disk step) and Windows 10…

Using MBR2GPT with Configuration Manager OSD

[Update 4/5/2017] This post was based on the MBR2GPT that was released with the Windows Insider build 15007. There are a few things that have changed since then – the /silent switch has been replaced with the /convert switch. Also, it is highly recommended to run MBR2GPT from WinPE 1703 (this is required for earlier…