RDCMan v2.7 Unknown disconnection reason 3848

Last week Microsoft released Remote Desktop Connection Manager version 2.7 (aka RDCMan).  It has some really cool features and supports Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 R2.  This tool is essential if you run a lot of virtual machines.  One of the new features allows the ability to connect directly to virtual machines (called virtual machine connect-to-console support). …

My Sessions at the Midwest Management Summit

I am really honored to have been a speaker at the first ever Midwest Management Summit (aka the new MMS), that took place November 10th – 12th in Minnesota.  This event was the who’s who of systems management and did not disappoint.  There were over 100 sessions delivered in three days by 50+ experts (which included 32 Microsoft…

Using PowerShell to Create a BCD File

Recently, I was curious to see if I could get 1E PXE Everywhere (included with 1E Nomad) to boot a MDT Lite Touch boot image.  Since PXE Everywhere integrates with System Center Configuration Manager, it automatically creates the necessary BCD files based on the ConfigMgr boot images.  So that left me with using the command line…