Configuring WoL with Configuration Manager – Part 1

4/5/2020 Not only can Configuring Wake-On-LAN (WoL) improve your company’s software distribution success rates, it can also help out in the time of a crisis. With the recent COVID-19 outbreak, more and more companies are encouraging those employees that are able to do so to work from home. This presents challenges for IT as there…

Upgrading the BIOS Part 2

In Upgrading the BIOS Part 1, I gave some very important reasons why you should be proactive about upgrading the BIOS on supported systems in your environment. In this blog, I want to discuss the approach to flashing the BIOS along with some lessor understood caveats as it relates to BitLocker, BIOS passwords and UEFI…

Upgrading the BIOS Part 1

Operating systems and software are not the only thing that needs to be upgraded these days. It is really important that the BIOS firmware gets updated as well. Lately, I have been talking to a lot of IT Pros at conferences and user group meetings and I have discovered that not too many people upgrade or…