My Tesla Solar Performance 2020

Last updated: Jan 24, 2021

****If you find this information useful and are looking to order Tesla Solar or a Tesla Auto, please use my referral code to place your order to get a $100 solar award (currently) when your system is activated or 1000 Supercharger miles (currently) for a car purchase. Tesla Solar recently announced on June 19, 2020 a 20% price reduction (The Lowest Price for Home Solar) and they also now use the 340 watt panels (up from the 315 watt panels that I have). This will cover the $99 down, making it zero out of pocket initial cost when financed.*****

The following is the actual performance of my Tesla Solar system for 2020.

Location: Phoenix, AZ
System Size: 12.285 (39 – 315 watt panels)
2 SolarEdge Inverters/SolarEdge Power Optimizers
House Size: 2 story/2965 square feet with swimming pool/AC set at 77F during the day and 76F at night
Electrical Consumers: 2 Tesla Model 3s, 2 AC units, Mini-split AC, Evap Cooler (garage), Electric Dryer, Variable Speed Pool Pump

2020 Total Solar kWh
Avg Solar kWh
Produced per day
Total Solar
kWh Sold
Total kWh
Total kWh Used
(Solar + Grid)
Avg kWh Used
Per day
APS Bill
January 1243 40 960 655 938 30 (Previous credit balance -$6.65)
Monthly cost: -$7.99
Balance: -$14.64 (credit)
February 1439 50 1166 657 930 32 Monthly cost: -$38.08
Balance: -$52.72 (credit)
March 1719 55 1356 608 971 31 Monthly cost: -$58.39
Balance: -$111.11 (credit)
April 2147 72 1580 486 1053 35 Monthly cost: -$88.27
Balance: -$199.38 (credit)
May 2359 76 1280 787 1866 60 Monthly cost: $7.34
Balance: -$192.04 (credit)
June 2260 75 1065 1243 2438 81 Monthly cost: $48.37
Balance: -$143.67 (credit)
July 2059 66 677 2177 3559 115 Monthly cost: $172.43
Balance: $28.76 (owe)
August 1976 64 528 2442 3890 125 Monthly cost: $219.34
Bill total: $219.32 (owe)
Running bill total owed: $248.10
September 1770 59 678 1760 2852 95 Monthly cost: $144.51
Bill total: $144.51
Running bill total owed: $392.61
October 1571 51 784 1226 2013 65 Monthly cost: $62.69
Bill total: $62.69
Running bill total owed: $455.30
November 1195 40 817 905 1283 43 Monthly cost: $8.84
Bill total: $8.84
Running bill total owed: $464.14
December 1143 37 812 967 1298 42 Monthly cost: -$1.16
Bill total: -$1.16
End running total: $462.98
Note: -$1.16 credit carries over to 2021
Totals 20881 11703 13913 23091

May and June did not include any vehicle charging as I was attempting to use up my Supercharging miles that were expiring at the end of June.
Due to COVID, my kids were home doing online school and the AC was kept at 76F most of the day.
2020 is shaping up to be one of the hottest years on record (number through Nov 1, 2020):

See my previous posts for more information:
My Tesla Journey Part 1
My Tesla Journey Part 2

Originally posted on

8 thoughts on “My Tesla Solar Performance 2020

  1. Pingback: My Tesla Journey Part 2 | Mike's Tech Blog

  2. Pingback: My Tesla Solar Performance 2020 ROI Analysis | Mike's Tech Blog

  3. can you explain those numbers? what does total KWH sold mean? sold by who and purchased by who? if you produced more than you needed why did any get sold? looking at January…. and then purchased. if you produced more, then why did some get purchased. I don’t think I understand the give and take with the power company which is why I don’t understand all these numbers and credits… at the end of the year, you had to pay $462.98? then why a credit?

    • what does total KWH sold mean? kWh exported back to the electric company (APS in my case)
      sold by who and purchased by who? over production goes to the electric company
      if you produced more than you needed why did any get sold? it has to go somewhere and since I do not have a battery, it goes back to the grid
      so at the end of the year, you had to pay $462.98? then why a credit? If what I owe exceeds the credit, then I need to pay. However, at the end of the year if there is a credit, then it will roll to next month.
      I hope this helps to answer some of your questions.

      • I see. so even in a single month that you produced more, you still had to purchase because at any single time of the day, you’re producing more than using(have to sell back), while also producing less at any given time of the day(have to buy). so with the current drop to 8.5 cents I think to sell? is it still worth it? the off peak of 10.789 is higher than 8.5. so even off peak there will be a loss between buying and selling

      • It is pretty instant, meaning, if you use less than what you are producing, that electricity will go back to the grid. The rider that I got in on with APS, I export at 11.61 cents per kWh. Under the new Time-of-Use with Demand Charge plan, Summer rates are 5.276 cents off-peak and 12.414 cents on-peak with a $16.875 per kW demand charge.
        Having solar has been a benefit for me and I have already seen an ROI the first full year. With the APS plan changes, I should do another analysis, but I think I will be even better off now with only 3 hours of peak time now that I am able to ‘super cool’ my home and make sure the AC doesn’t turn on at all during the peak time.

      • the solar companies I’m talking to are all saying not to do the demand charge. say that’s a loss that can’t be compensated. I wonder if they haven’t updated their analysis for a lowering APS buyback?

      • If you aren’t careful, it can be the largest line item on the bill. But if you understand how it works and how to minimize it, the lower off-peak and on-peak rates can be beneficial. My bill for August was only $134 and I have 3 electric cars. If I calculate my usage against one of the non-demand charge bills, my bill would have been much higher.

        Also, the riders from APS have step downs each year, so someone getting solar this year will not get the same export rate that I got in 2019.

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